Thursday, 26 November 2015

Leeds People's March for Climate Justice, Jobs and Hope - Saturday 28 November 2015 - 13:00 - Leeds Minster, Kirkgate.

Leeds Trades Union Council encourages all trade unionists to attend the Leeds People's March for Climate Justice, Jobs and Hope on Saturday 28 November 2015 at Leeds Minster, Kirkgate starting at 13:00.

The protest is a vital demonstration to show that Leeds wants a COP21 agreement in Paris which will halt the rising temperature of the planet and prevent irreversible climate change.

Please see link to event on facebook below:

Leeds Trades Union Council has also booked coaches for the People March for Climate Justice, Jobs and Home demo in London on Sunday 29 November 2015. You can book your place on the coach for only 10 Pounds by booking on the eventbrite site linked to below:


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  2. At a union committee (UCU) on Friday, reference was made to a pamphlet from the TC on fracking? Was that correct, and if so, how could I get a copy
